Laurent PRUD'HON

Laurent PRUD'HON

Cognitive Factory Leader


Credit Mutuel, a leading French bank and insurance company with more than 30 million customers and 72,000 employees, realized very early that AI would be a key transformative technology to continue to provide the best services to its customers, in an always more competitive and complex digital world. In 2015, Crédit Mutuel president Nicolas Théry and Euro Information CIO Frantz Rublé decided to pioneer the use of AI at scale in the banking industry. To speed up the deployment of AI in all business lines, they created a “Cognitive Factory”in partnership with IBM : a dedicated team of AI specialists in charge of innovation, industrialization and deployment of cognitive solutions in the company. Laurent Prud’hon, previously in charge of enterprise architecture, was appointed to grow this Cognitive Factory. In 2023, the Cognitive and OCR Factory employs more than 250 people, with integrated teams of Crédit Mutuel and IBM resources : innovative use cases, industrial methods and tools were built and refined over the last 7 years to enable the successful deployment of dozens of cognitive and OCR solutions in production, with sizable gains in simplicity and efficiency for our customers and employees.

Speaker on

Generative AI at work in banking : how to deploy trusted enterprise solutions

Use Case AI Application
09/02/2024 | 14:50 - 15:15 | Applications Stage